“Tremendous Trees” at Lewes Climate Hub

From 5th June to 15th June, open Wednesdays to Saturdays, 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

All events at Lewes Climate Hub, Lewes House, 32 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2LU

The Trees Committee of Friends of Lewes manage the Lewes Urban Arboretum Project, which has led to global recognition of Lewes by ArbNet as an “arboretum town”. Since 2012, the Committee has been working with the community, local councils, and schools to increase tree canopy cover in Lewes – both for wildlife and for their beneficial ecosystem values.

Their i-Tree Ecosurvey suggests that Lewes needs to almost double the existing number of trees to become resilient to climate change. Drop into the Climate Hub to find out more about their work, the importance of trees for wildlife, and browse their suggestions of trees you might grow in your garden.

  • Add to our “Taking Steps for Wildlife” collage by sharing your ideas for improving biodiversity in Lewes.
  • Have a go at our Tree Quiz for a chance of winning a £25 garden token – you may check all your answers by looking at the displays!

PLUS: Saturday 8th and Saturday 15th June: Make your own tree medallion to celebrate the wildlife that depends on trees.

Saturday 8th June, 11.00 am-3.00pm, Join Rustic Tim to learn how to make your own beautiful flower decoration out of wood, (£2 a flower).

Saturday 15 June, 1.30pm, “Trees for your garden and how to look after them”, a talk by Keith Sacre, arboriculturalist and member of the Trees Committee of Friends of Lewes. Keith will share his knowledge to help us all know what to think about when choosing a tree for our gardens and the different steps to take to help it thrive.

The Benefits of Trees – a talk by Keith Sacre